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Our world was turned upside down August 20, 2018 when our son Warren, who wasn't quite five, was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. With no family history of Celiac or personal knowledge of anyone with the disease, we were at a loss. Being told to start a Gluten Free diet was easier said than done.  My husband and I decided it was in the best interest of our family to also go Gluten Free.  Upon replacing our entire pantry with Gluten Free items from the store shelves, we quickly realized we were playing a whole new ball game when it came to taste, texture, quality, and price.  From that point forward, I have made it my mission to make baked goods from scratch with Gluten Free ingredients that taste like they're full of gluten!  After years of trying new recipes, trashing numerous failures, tweaking tried recipes, and plenty of tears, I feel I have achieved my goal.  So, with the recommendation and support from my husband and close friends, I am finally sharing my goodies with all of you!  I have most recently transitioned a few of my Gluten Free recipes to also be Dairy Free, as I continue to work on expanding my menu.  It is my hope that my baked goods quench your appetite, satisfy your cravings, and put a smile on your face!


Phyllis Cahill

Owner, Sunshine's Sweets

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